How to find a technical co founder for your tech startups?


May 2022

Upon starting a new business, searching for reliable technical co-founders, freelance developers, and CTO is the first thing on the priority list of entrepreneurs’. Why? Because it is not possible to create a scalable MVP if you don’t hold a tech background and don’t have a tech lead in your team. That’s what tech co-founders are there for.

So, what role does a technical co-founder plays in business start-ups? Also, how do you find a reliable tech co-founder for your startup? We are going to answer these questions and more in this article. Read down below to find out more.

Who Is a Technical Co-Founder?

 A tech co-founder has a lot of responsibilities when it comes to startups. As compared to programmers, technical co-founders are much more skilled. They are also very much invested in working on the start-ups company management, as well as the business operating model of the company. 

In short, a technical co-founder is not a regular tech employee of a company, instead, he is the co-founder in the first place and is responsible for assisting in building products from start to finish. 

Moreover, just like other co-founders, they also get to deal with business risks. If the business is successful and making profits, then the technical co-founders will also receive their share in the profit. Whereas, if the business is incurring losses, then they’ll have to deal with the losses as well.

Some of the responsibilities of tech-founders include:

  • Forming a business development plan
  • Building the projects MVP
  • Hiring and onboarding the development team
  • Handling core and other business tasks and responsibilities

How and Where to Find The Right Technical Co-Founder?

Choosing a co-founder for your startup is probably going to be the most important decision you would be required to make in terms of business. This sole decision can either make or break your business, hence you need to strategically plan out the process of finding the right tech co-founder for your company.

Craft your co-founder pitch

The very first thing you should focus on to choose the right co-founder for your startup is to craft your co-founder pitch. You can think of your elevator pitch just like you would create one for pitching investors. While creating your pitch, you should keep the following points in mind.

  • Define your plan and goals clearly
  • Provide details about the buyer
  • Try not to use adjectives and buzzwords
  • Identify and mention demographics

Read more: A Guide to Software Product Development

List down important questions

Once you are done creating your pitch, the next step is to form a series of questions that would help you pick the right candidates. Write down a list of important questions before the meeting. This would help you determine whether or not the co-tech founder you’d be hiring would be compatible or not. Some of the questions you should consider asking are:

  • How do you deal with stress and serious challenges?
  • How much time are you willing to commit to the startup?
  • If you have experienced failures in life, how did you deal with them?
  • How will we settle on decisions?
  • What are our respective personal goals for the startup?
  • Do you have any experience with working with diverse teams? If yes, how?
  • Why do you think we would be able to partner successfully with you?

Once you have created the pitch and jotted down the important questions to ask, get ready to begin your search.

Search your network

Your best bet is to start the search from your personal network. Try to search for potential partners within your business circle or connections. Since you already know these people, you would be able to determine better whether or not they’d be compatible and hold the required skill sets. If you can’t find a suitable fit in your first-degree connections, you can check out your second-degree connections. Before opting for a complete outsider, make sure you search your whole business circle including:

  1. Lawyers
  2. Consultants
  3. Recruiters
  4. Venture Capitalists
  5. Colleagues
  6. Accountants
  7. Fellow entrepreneurs, etc.


No network? No problem!

Not everyone has a big network. Entrepreneurs that don’t have an expansive network or simply can’t find a technical co-founder in their connections can check out the below-mentioned platforms to get connected with potential founders instantly.

  1. СoFoundersLab

CoFoundersLab is known to provide the best resources to start-ups businesses, which is why it is considered the number one platform for searching for a reliable technical co-founder for your start-up.

You are required to sign-up to the platform with your Linkedin, Facebook, or Email account. Next, you would need to answer a few personal and business-related questions. The platform allows you to conduct searches easily. Though it is a free site, you can also sign-up for premium features.

  1. Founders Nation

Founders nation is another popular platform that is trusted by thousands of businesses from all over the world to provide quality resources. Overall, this platform is much similar to CoFoundersLab.  

It consists of a community of advisors and founders that help each other by sharing their experiences with direct feedback. To find a technical co-founder for your business, you are required to sign-up and search for a partner that suits your business needs. You can narrow down your search using the filters that the platform features.

  1. brings together entrepreneurs, professionals, and investors. You can find CTO, experienced developers, and technical co-founders only in a few simple steps. Overall, this platform is very easy to use. You can sign-up as a recruiter and post vacancies for the positions available.


Finding a reliable technical co-founder for your start-up involves a lot of time and effort. You should take your time while choosing the right person since the wrong decision would cost you a lot later. However, the right partner can contribute significantly to the success of your business.

Not sure where to begin? Get in touch with ARFASOFTECH today.


Fahad Ali, Author

Fahad is PM at ARFASOFTECH but has a knack for writing. He enjoys writing about the latest technologies and evolving trends. Most of his writings revolve around trending technologies and their integration into operations.

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